Invest in a portfolio of renewable energy
Section 12B Investment Fund
Fairtree has launched a Section 12B Investment Fund (“the Fund”) to provide clients with an opportunity to invest in a portfolio of renewable energy-producing assets. In addition to gaining exposure to an alternative asset class which provides long-term returns, clients receive the benefit of an up-front tax deduction of 125% of the amount invested.
Upfront tax deduction of 125%
What is Section 12B?
Section 12B of the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 allows for a tax deduction in respect of certain qualifying assets to reduce the taxable income of the taxpayer. These qualifying assets must be used for purposes of trade in the generation of electricity from renewable sources in South Africa. The tax deduction is available for all tax-paying entities, for example, companies, trusts and individuals.
Section 12B tax incentive allows taxpayers to claim a 125% up-front tax deduction for all renewable energy projects without limits on the generation capacity. This amendment is solely available for renewable energy projects that generate electricity for the first time between 1 March 2023 and 28 February 2025.
Benefits of investing in South African renewable energy:
Investment in green energy assists South Africa’s energy crisis, which has become a growing necessity due to the ongoing lack of reliable electricity and energy supply.
Actively contributing towards reducing South Africa’s carbon footprint, as well as
contributing to sustainable energy generation.
Directly assisting in stimulating economic growth.
Earn attractive yields with the added benefit of tax deductions.
Fund Details
The Fund will be mandated to own and operate a portfolio of renewable energy-generating assets that sell the generated electricity to creditworthy counterparties, which are bound by long-term power purchase agreements.
Minimum Investment
Fund Term
Targeted Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
R1 million
10 years
- 15% ungeared pre-tax return (before the section 12B tax benefit)
- 25% ungeared pre-tax return after the 12B tax benefit
- +/-45% geared pre-tax return after the 12B tax benefit and gearing
Proceeds from power purchase agreement (PPA).
Management Fee: A management fee of 2% per annum is payable to the fund manager on the capital invested.
Performance Fee: 20% carry after repayment of capital at risk.
The Fund will be mandated to own and operate a portfolio of renewable energy-generating assets that sells the generated electricity to creditworthy counterparties, which are bound by long-term power purchase agreements.
Minimum Investment
R1 million
Fund Term
10 years
Targeted Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- 15% ungeared pre-tax return (before the section 12B tax benefit)
- 25% ungeared pre-tax return after the 12B tax benefit
- +-45% geared pre-tax return after the 12B tax benefit and gearing
Annual – Proceeds from power purchase agreement (PPA)
Management Fee: A management fee of 2% per annum payable to the Fund Manager on the capital invested.
Performance Fee: 20% carry after repayment of capital at risk.
Attractive Investment Returns
There are currently attractive projects available in the market and the Section 12B tax incentive further enhances the returns of these projects. Adding limited gearing at the project level* can enhance returns even further for investors.
The Fund’s pipeline includes various projects that have ungeared IRRs of c.15% per annum, providing initial ungeared IRRs (after Section 12B) of over 25%** per annum and geared IRRs of over 45%** per annum over a 10-year period.
*Investors will be required to provide a limited-recourse guarantee, limited to their pro-rata portion of the gearing in the project, where applicable.
** Assuming a 45% effective tax rate.
Investor example – live transaction
1) Assumes partner is an individual paying tax at the 45% marginal rate and obtains 125% Section 12B allowance from SARS.
2) Assumes no gearing utilised at project level.
3) The pre-tax after-fee IRR for this ungeared example is 30% per annum.
4) Adding gearing will bring the returns to approximately 45% depending on the level and cost of debt. This however involves a limited recourse guarantee from the investor.