
Multiple Award Winning Performance


Our Exemplary Track Record

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Launched First Fairtree Fund

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Symmetry Hedge Fund Awards SA Hedge Fund of the Year Fairtree Equity Market Neutral SNN QI Hedge Fund  SA Market Neutral Fund of the Year Fairtree Equity Market Neutral SNN QI Hedge Fund
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Fairtree Capital Established

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South Africa Hedge Awards

SA Long Short Equity Fund of the Year
Fairtree Long Short Equity SNN QI Hedge Fund

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Launched first Multi-strategy Capability

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SNN QI Hedge Fund

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Launched Long-Only Equity Capability

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SNN QI Hedge Fund

SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SNN QI Hedge Fund

New Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SNN QI Hedge Fund

SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SNN QI Hedge Fund

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Awarded First Sovereign Wealth Mandate

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Proton RCIS Retail Hedge Fund

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Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Proton RCIS Retail Hedge Fund

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First Hotel Investment Made

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Launched Long-only Fixed Income Capability
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US SEC Regulation & first US Client
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Opened UK office

Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Best SA Equity General Fund on a Risk Adjusted Basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Best SA Multi-Asset Income Fund
Fairtree Flexible Income Plus Prescient Fund

Raging Bull Awards (certificate)
Best SA Interest Bearing Fund
Fairtree Flexible Income Plus Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SNN QI Hedge Fund

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Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a Risk Adjusted Basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Alexander Forbes Asterisk Awards
Best Equity House Award
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SNN QI Hedge Fund

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Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a Risk Adjusted Basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Awards
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SNN QI Hedge Fund

SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SNN QI Hedge Fund

SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SNN QI Hedge Fund

Morningstar Awards
Best Fund House: Smaller Fund Range
Fairtree Asset Management

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Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a Risk Adjusted Basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Woodland Multi Asset SSN QI Hedge Fund

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Hedge News Africa Award
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund


Launched first Fairtree fund


Symmetry Hedge Fund Awards
SA Hedge Fund of the Year
Fairtree Equity Market Neutral SSN QI Hedge Fund 

SA Market Neutral Fund of the Year
Fairtree Equity Market Neutral SSN QI Hedge Fund


Fairtree Capital established


South Africa Hedge Awards

SA Long Short Equity Fund of the Year
Fairtree Long Short Equity SSN QI Hedge Fund


Launched first Multi-strategy Capability

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SSN QI Hedge Fund


Launched Long-only Equity Capability

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SSN QI Hedge Fund

SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SSN QI Hedge Fund

New Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SSN QI Hedge Fund

SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Fixed Income SSN QI Hedge Fund


Awarded first Sovereign Wealth Mandate

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Proton RCIS Retail Hedge Fund


Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fixed Income Fund of the Year
Fairtree Proton RCIS Retail Hedge Fund


First Hotel Investment Made 


Launched Long-only Fixed Income Capability


US SEC Regulation & first US Client


Opened UK office

Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Best SA Equity General Fund on a risk adjusted basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Best SA Multi-Asset Income Fund
Fairtree Flexible Income Plus Prescient Fund

Raging Bull Awards (certificate)
Best SA Interest Bearing Fund
Fairtree Flexible Income Plus Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Awards
SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund


Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a risk adjusted basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Alexander Forbes Asterisk Awards
Best Equity House Award
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund


Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a risk adjusted basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Awards
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund

SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Wild Fig Multi Asset SSN QI Hedge Fund

SA Fund of the Year
Fairtree Assegai Equity Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund

Morningstar Awards
Best Fund House: Smaller fund range
Fairtree Asset Management


Raging Bull Awards
Best SA Equity General Fund on a risk adjusted basis
Fairtree Equity Prescient Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund

Hedge News Africa Award
SA Multi Strategy Fund of the Year
Fairtree Woodland Multi Asset SSN QI Hedge Fund


Hedge News Africa Award

Best Single Manager Hedge Fund – 5 Year Performance
Fairtree Assegai Long Short SSN QI Hedge Fund


Invest Now

Setting Your Investment Goal

There are various goals that an investor may be desiring to achieve. The important thing to note about goal setting is the element of time . Goals can range from short, medium and/or long term. Whether your reason for investment be for capital growth, for capital preservation, to save toward retirement, for income withdrawals, saving to buy a house, saving to go on a holiday or even investing towards your children’s education, no matter the reason, choosing the correct investment vehicle and fund is key. Fairtree Invest, specializes in multi-managed solutions that are strategically designed to meet their client’s bespoke investment goals. Would you like to start your journey?

Ryan Jamieson

Ryan Jamieson

Head: Retail Sales (North & KZN)​

Ryan joined Fairtree in 2016 and is the head of Retail Sales. He has over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. He joined Momentum in 1998, where he held various roles, such as investment marketing, sales and distribution, over 15 years. In addition, he led the national team of Investment Specialists at Momentum and served on Group Investment Committees. Ryan then joined Investec, where he continued to be involved in the sales, marketing and distribution of the Investec fund range. He returned to Momentum as head of Wealth Management, where he was responsible for the full integration of the investment philosophy, house views, fund solutions and wealth management proposition. 

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Get in touch with our experienced hedge fund team to navigate your investments. Have a question? We’re here to help.

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Contact us

Get in touch with our experienced hedge fund team to navigate your investments. Have a question? We’re here to help.